Student Support & Wellbeing Service

Student Care

Student Support & Wellbeing Service (SSWS) from Life & Progress provides practical information, guidance, professional advice and telephone Counselling (Support-in-the-Moment) to all students.  For a modest annual investment all of your Students would be able to access the service around-the-clock, and there is no limit to the number of issues your Students can gain support on.  Indeed, support can be provided over the telephone and online, 24/7.  Please feel free to watch our short SSWS video below for a more in-depth overview:

Did you know?

It has been widely reported in the news about the increase in the number of students seeking mental health support. While the young adult population enjoys good physical health compared to the general population, the same cannot be said for their mental health and wellbeing.

The number of students dropping out of either university or college with mental health problems has more than trebled in recent years. Although the NHS is starting to consider students as an atypical population, significant difficulties remain with the coordination of care between primary and specialist care and with support provided by either universities or colleges.

Well-documented studies have shown that the number one reason for students dropping out of further education is depression and is a gateway issue that if left untreated could potentially lead to other serious symptoms or even suicide. Depressive illnesses are disorders of the brain likely caused by a combination of genetics, biological, psychological, and environmental factors – and depressions is the most common mental disorder.

As more and more universities and colleges commit to tackling mental health and wellbeing issues, Life & Progress is on a campaign to end mental health stigma and to tackle student depression head-on. Subsequently we have launched the ‘Student Support & Wellbeing Service’ which provides around-the-clock telephone and online support aimed at all students aged 16 and over. The Student Support & Wellbeing Service (SSWS) is a high-quality albeit low-cost confidential phone-based assistance programme, specifically designed to provide students with access to 24/7 professional support, advice and counselling.

From depression and low mood, anxiety and panic attacks, psychological and emotional issues, bereavement and loss, homesickness, relationship difficulties, sexual health, pregnancy, general health, drugs & alcohol, personal legal, financial, debt counselling and budgeting, exam pressures and everyday living… are just a few of the issues covered by the SSWS.

The Student Support & Wellbeing Service providing professional support, advice & counselling

  • Depression and Low Mood
  • Anxiety & Panic Attacks
  • Social Anxiety
  • Controlling Feelings of Anger
  • Eating Disorders & Eating Well
  • Counselling & Mental Health
  • Everyday Coping Methods
  • Debt Advice & Budgeting
  • Alcohol and Drug Awareness
  • Abuse – Staying Safe
  • Bereavement and Loss
  • Practical Information & Guidance
  • Psychological and Emotional Issues
  • Relationship Difficulties
  • Sleeping Problems
  • Health, Wellbeing & Getting Active

Next Steps

If you are interested in finding out more on our Student Support & Wellbeing Service and would like to discuss how this can benefit your organisation. We will offer you a free consultation along with a no obligation quotation to ensure you have the right solution tailored for your needs.  Please contact the team direct at

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