Tired of employees calling-in to tell you they are going to be absent?
Starting from as little as £2 per employee per month, you can sign up to use our 24/7 absence record & reporting service. Additionally, your organisation can choose the option to have employees call our dedicated management-centre to register their absence, or have them login online and enter the information themselves.
Operating a centralised absence reporting system, the service collects and stores all employee absence data and sends immediate alerts by email and text to the appropriate contacts. You will also have access to various online tools as well as access to the resource centre, helping you make the most of your data.
The service is easy to implement and easy to use.
Modern attendance management
The service has been designed to be mutually reinforcing and to help your organisation lower its absence levels whilst achieving a strong Return-on-Investment (ROI). The service offers a refreshing approach based upon our key values to:
- Engage
- Inspire
- Empower
- Improve
We will work with your organisation to streamline processes and help ensure compliance and consistency from an employee’s first day of absence to their full return to work.
Three easy steps
If you follow our three easy steps, the service will guarantee that both your long-term and short-term absence levels will decrease while your organisation achieves a measurable ROI and improves the bottom line:
- Step 1. Record absence fully, completely and timely. Use this data to analyse and identify problem areas within your organisation.
- Step 2. Empower line managers and HR staff to handle absence proactively and enforce policies consistently.
- Step 3. Quickly refer employees to the necessary OH physician, Physiotherapist or EAP to establish a return-to-work plan.
We will work with you to ensure these steps are being followed and your absence related goals are achieved. We also help managers to ensure outlined performance targets are being addressed.’
How does Day-1 Absence Reporting work?
24/7 absence reporting
If an employee is absent from work, they call the service as their first point of contact where call handlers gather and record relevant data. Alternatively, you can opt for employees to register their own absence information by logging into our system online. When this information is complete and submitted, immediate notifications are sent to relevant managers and/or human resources through email. Alerts can even be provided through text messaging if required.
Online tools and resource centre
The service software delivers tailored reports showing up-to-the-minute absence levels and trends whilst highlighting hotspots and non-compliance. Reports can be generated as needed or scheduled to report information at specified intervals. The recourse centre has task and case manager tools, sample templates, online workshops and interactive training. This information is key to engaging line-managers as the more knowledge they have the more empowered they become.
Fast and effective interventions
The service is supported by an extensive network of support-services ensuring timely referrals. For example, to your existing EAP service or to occupation health services. Telephonic OH referrals can be completed as quickly as the next day and face-to-face referrals within two working days. Around 80% of referrals result in an immediate return-to-work which clearly highlights the importance and effectiveness of early intervention.
Measurable results
The service identifies key areas for action and offers customised solutions for your business. The service can help you uncover the hidden costs of absence within your company and determine the best strategy for lowing these costs. Our analysis of the collected absence data will empower your managers to maximise attendance. Using our full toolset of integrated solutions will help your company to achieve a measurable ROI resulting in an improved bottom line.
For more details or to arrange a free consultation with one of our Day-1 Absence Management Specialists, please call us on 0808 164 3941. Alternatively please email us via service@lifeandprogress.co.uk